Red Light Therapy For Acne Scars

Acne scars are more than just a reminder of acne; they can continue to affect individuals' self-esteem and skin appearance long after the initial breakouts have cleared. Thankfully, advancements in dermatological treatments have brought forward innovative solutions like red light therapy. This first treatment of acne itself is increasingly recognized for laser treatment efficacy and its potential to not only soothe active acne but also significantly reduce the visibility of scars left behind.

In this comprehensive guide, we'll delve deep into how red light therapy works to diminish acne scars, exploring its scientific basis, application methods, and real-life effectiveness.

Our aim is to provide you with a detailed understanding of this therapeutic approach so you can make an informed decision on whether it could be the right solution for your skin concerns.

Understanding Acne Scars

What are Acne Scars?

An image of a woman with acne scars.

Acne scars are permanent textural changes that occur on the skin as a result of severe-to-moderate acne itself. They come in various forms, each with unique characteristics:

  • Ice pick scars are deep, narrow, and pitted.

  • Boxcar scars are broad with sharp edges, resembling the scars left after chickenpox.

  • Rolling scars have a rolling or undulating appearance due to damage under the skin's surface.

Understanding the type of acne scar is crucial for determining the most effective acne treatment and method, including the suitability of red light therapy sessions.

Causes of Acne Scars

An image of a woman with acne scars.

The formation of acne scars is typically triggered by inflammatory acne, which involves swelling and redness. Factors that contribute to the development of scars facial acne include:

  • Severity and duration of acne: More severe and prolonged cases are more likely to leave scars. Inflammatory acne lesions are a common precursor to severe acne scarring, emphasizing the link between inflammation and scar formation.

  • Picking and squeezing: Manipulating pimples increases the risk of inflammation and scarring.

  • Genetic predisposition: Some people are more prone to acne scars than others due to genetic factors.

What is Red Light Therapy?

Basics of Red Light Therapy

an image of KOZE S Series

Red light is different from other types of visible light in the electromagnetic spectrum because of its low-level but longer wavelengths.

Red light therapy (RLT), also known as photobiomodulation, uses low wavelength red light to penetrate the skin. In contrast, blue light therapy targets acne differently; blue light has antimicrobial effects that kill bacteria causing breakouts and offers anti-inflammatory benefits, while red light focuses on promoting healing, reducing the visibility of acne scarring, and providing anti-inflammatory capabilities.

Blue light therapy, specifically, excites porphyrins within acne-causing bacteria, leading to the production of reactive oxygen species that destroy these bacteria, complementing red light's role in wound healing and scar reduction. Unlike ultraviolet light, which can cause damage, red light is safe and provides therapeutic benefits. The treatment involves exposing the skin to a lamp, device, or laser with a red light source, which is believed to stimulate cellular repair and increase circulation.

The Science Behind Red Light Therapy

an image of Stimulate collagen production

The effectiveness of red light therapy lies in its ability to stimulate collagen production and reduce inflammation, two key elements in the healing process of skin tissues, including those damaged by acne scars and acne lesions. Here’s how it works:

  • Collagen Production: Red light exposure promotes collagen synthesis, which is crucial for filling in the pits and smoothing the skin surface where acne scars have formed. This increased production of collagen also aids in the reduction of acne lesions by promoting the formation of new collagen, leading to healthier skin.

  • Reduction in Inflammatory and Non-Inflammatory Acne Lesions: It decreases the presence of inflammatory cells, which can exacerbate scar formation, slow down healing, and contribute to the severity of acne lesions. By targeting the sebaceous glands, red light therapy helps in reducing both inflammatory and non-inflammatory acne lesions, promoting healing and decreasing the visibility of acne scarring.

  • Increased Circulation: By increasing blood flow to the treated area, red light therapy helps to nourish skin cells, speeding up the regeneration process and further contributing to the healing of acne scars and reduction of acne lesions.

These mechanisms make red light therapy a promising option for those seeking to reduce the appearance of acne scars and acne lesions without invasive procedures.

Red Light Therapy in Treating Acne Scars

How Red Light Therapy Helps with Acne Scars

an image of a woman exposed to red light therapy.

Red light therapy offers a non-invasive solution to acne scars by engaging the body’s natural healing mechanisms. Additionally, it is particularly beneficial for acne prone skin, helping to prevent future acne breakouts while treating existing scars. Here are the specific ways it assists in the reduction of these scars:

  • Enhances Cell Regeneration: The red light stimulates cellular activity, encouraging new skin cells to grow and replace scarred tissue, thus promoting a smoother skin texture.

  • Increases Collagen and Elastin Production: As previously mentioned, increased collagen is critical in filling out and smoothing the skin. Red light therapy also boosts elastin production, which improves skin elasticity and can help minimize the depth of acne scars.

  • Reduces Inflammation: Continued treatment can reduce chronic inflammation, which often exacerbates the appearance of acne scars, leading to a clearer and more even complexion.

Benefits of Red Light Therapy for Skin Health

Aside from its effects on acne scars, red light therapy offers several other benefits for skin health, making it a versatile treatment option:

These benefits show why red light therapy is not just effective for those looking to treat acne scars but also for anyone interested in improving their overall skin health.

Using Red Light Therapy for Acne Scars

How to Use Red Light Therapy at Home

an image of a woman using KOZE™ Mini

Using red light therapy at home is convenient and cost-effective, and it allows for regular treatment necessary for noticeable results. Here’s how to get other light therapies and incorporate it into your skincare routine:

1. Choose the Right Device: Select a red light therapy device specifically designed for skin treatment. Look for FDA approval to ensure safety and efficacy of single treatment.

2. Prepare Your Skin: Cleanse your skin thoroughly before using the device. This ensures that the light penetrates effectively without any barriers like makeup or dirt.

3. Follow Specific Instructions: Use the device according to the manufacturer's instructions, typically involving daily sessions of about 5 to 15 minutes. Consistency is key for seeing results.

4. Safety First: Never look directly into the light and ensure your device does not emit UV rays, a visible or infrared light which can be harmful to the skin.

Professional Red Light Therapy Treatments

For those preferring professional care moderate facial acne, or for more severe acne scars, professional laser treatments can be more effective:

  • Consult a Dermatologist: Before starting any treatment, especially for severe acne scars, consulting with a skincare professional is advisable.

  • Higher-Intensity Treatments: Professional settings often have more powerful lights, which can provide more significant results.

  • Combination Therapies: Professionals may combine red light therapy with other treatments like chemical peels, micro-needling, or photodynamic therapy (PDT) for enhanced results. Photodynamic therapy, often combined with a photosensitizer like aminolaevulinic acid (ALA), has been shown to effectively clear out acne, with studies demonstrating a ≥90% acne clearance in one month.

Advantages of Professional Treatment Over Home Devices

  • Expert Guidance: Professionals can offer personalized advice and adjustments to the treatment plan based on your skin’s response.

  • Enhanced Safety and Efficacy: Professional devices are generally more potent and safer, as they are operated by trained individuals.

  • Access to Comprehensive Care: Dermatologists can monitor progress and integrate other skincare treatments that complement red light therapy.

Whether choosing home treatments for convenience and maintenance or professional treatments for more intensive care, topical treatments, red light and laser therapy, can be a valuable part of your strategy to reduce acne scars.

How KOZE LED Face Mask Can Help Address Acne Scars

KOZE LED Face Mask

The KOZE LED Face Mask is a cutting-edge device designed specifically for home use, offering a practical solution for individuals seeking to improve the appearance of acne scars through red light therapy. Here’s a detailed look at how this device can be a valuable tool in your skincare arsenal:

Features of the KOZE LED Face Mask

  • Multiple Wavelengths: The KOZE LED Face Mask offers not just red light but also both red and blue light and yellow wavelengths, each with specific skin benefits. The red light, in particular, is ideal for treating acne scars by promoting healing and collagen production.

  • FDA-cleared: This device is FDA cleared, ensuring it meets safety standards for home use.

  • Ease of Use: Designed for daily use with sessions ranging from 10-20 minutes, the mask is user-friendly and fits seamlessly into your skincare routine.

Benefits of Using the KOZE LED Face Mask for Acne Scars

  • Enhanced Collagen Production: The red light emitted by the mask increases collagen production, which is essential for filling in and smoothing out acne scars.

  • Reduction of Inflammation: Regular use helps reduce skin inflammation, a key factor in the development and severity of acne scars.

  • Improvement in Skin Texture and Tone: Consistent use of the mask can lead to an overall improvement in skin texture and tone, making scars less noticeable.

How to Use the KOZE LED Face Mask Effectively

1. Consistent Usage: For the best results, use the mask consistently, ideally daily. Each session should last about 10–20 minutes, depending on the intensity level comfortable for your skin.

2. Clean Skin: Always apply the mask to clean, dry skin. Make sure all makeup and other products on treated skin are removed to allow maximum light penetration.

3. Follow a Routine: Incorporate the mask into your regular skincare routine. After using the mask, apply a moisturizer to help soothe the skin and lock in the benefits of the light therapy.

The KOZE LED Face Mask offers a practical and effective method to leverage the benefits of red light therapy from the comfort of your home. By adhering to the usage guidelines and incorporating this treatment into a comprehensive skincare regimen, users can achieve significant improvements in the appearance of acne scars.

7 Tips for Best Results with Red Light Therapy

To maximize the clinical efficacy of red light therapy for treating acne scars and enhancing overall skin health, consider the following practical tips:

1. Consistency is Key

  • Routine Treatments: For the best outcomes, incorporate red light therapy into your daily skincare routine. Consistent exposure is crucial for stimulating collagen production and reducing inflammation over time.

2. Combine with Proper Skincare

  • Pre-Treatment: Cleanse your skin thoroughly to remove any makeup, oils, or debris that could block the light.

  • Post-Treatment Care: Apply hydrating serums or moisturizers after each session to soothe the skin and enhance the healing process.

3. Adjust Duration and Frequency

  • Personalize Your Sessions: Start with shorter sessions and gradually increase the duration as your skin adapts to the treatment.

  • Frequency Adjustments: Depending on your skin’s response, you may need to adjust the frequency of treatments. Some may benefit from daily sessions, while others might do better with every other day.

4. Monitor Skin Response

  • Look for Changes: Pay attention to how your skin reacts to the treatment. Redness should diminish shortly after each session, but if irritation persists, consider reducing the frequency or duration.

  • Adapt as Needed: If you experience any discomfort or adverse reactions, adjust the treatment parameters or consult with a skincare professional.

5. Integrate Healthy Lifestyle Choices

  • Diet and Hydration: Support your skin health with a balanced diet rich in antioxidants and stay hydrated.

  • Avoid Skin Irritants: Minimize exposure to harsh chemicals, excessive sun, and other environmental factors that could impair skin healing.

6. Use Quality Devices

  • Invest in Approved Equipment: Ensure that your red light therapy device is FDA-approved for safety and efficacy.

  • Proper Maintenance: Keep the device clean and in good working condition to maintain its effectiveness.

7. Stay Informed

  • Follow Latest Research: Stay updated on the latest studies and advancements in red light therapy to continuously optimize your approach.

  • Educational Resources: Consider resources offered by manufacturers and skincare professionals to get the most out of your device.

What to Look for in a Red Light Therapy Device: Discussing Koze Health

Koze Health logo

When selecting a red light therapy device, it's crucial to choose a company that offers reliable, effective, and safe products. Here are key factors to consider, exemplified by how Koze Health meets these criteria:

1. Safety and Certifications

  • FDA Approval: Ensure the device is FDA-approved or cleared, indicating it has been evaluated for safety and efficacy. Koze Health’s devices are FDA-cleared, offering users reassurance about their safety standards.

2. Effectiveness of the Technology

  • Clinically Proven Results: Look for companies that provide clinical evidence supporting the effectiveness of their devices. Koze Health’s products are backed by clinical studies demonstrating their ability to improve skin health, including reducing the appearance of acne scars.

3. Quality and Durability

  • Build Quality: High-quality materials and construction ensure the device will last and perform as expected. Koze Health uses medical-grade LEDs in their masks, ensuring durability and optimal light emission.

  • Warranty: A good warranty reflects a company’s confidence in its product. Koze Health offers a solid warranty, which can provide peace of mind and protect your investment.

4. User Reviews and Reputation

  • Customer Feedback: Check for positive reviews and testimonials that attest to the device’s performance and the company’s customer service. Koze Health has numerous positive reviews from users who have seen real improvements in their skin condition.

  • Industry Reputation: Consider the company’s reputation within the industry. Koze Health is well-regarded for its innovative approach and commitment to quality.

5. Ease of Use and Support

  • User-Friendly Design: The device should be easy to use and fit seamlessly into your skincare routine. Koze Health’s LED masks are designed for ease of use with features like auto shut-off and adjustable settings.

  • Customer Support: Good customer service is crucial. Koze Health provides robust support, including detailed product guides and responsive customer service, helping users make the most of their devices.

6. Additional Features and Benefits

  • Versatility: Some red light therapy devices offer multiple settings or wavelengths, allowing them to address various skin issues. Koze Health’s masks feature multiple light colors, each targeting different skin needs, making them versatile and cost-effective.

  • Portability: Consider whether the device’s size and power requirements suit your lifestyle, especially if you travel often. Koze Health’s devices are designed for portability and ease of use at home or on the go.


Red light therapy offers a promising solution for those looking to improve the appearance of dead skin cells and acne scars and enhance overall skin health. As we've explored, the benefits of using a a light device like the KOZE LED Face Mask extend beyond just treating acne scars, providing improvements in skin tone, texture, and even aiding in the management of other skin conditions.

When choosing a red light therapy device, it's essential to consider factors such as safety certifications, clinical effectiveness, quality, ease of use, and customer support. Koze Health stands out as a leader in this field, providing high-quality, FDA-cleared, low-level light therapy devices, that are supported by clinical research and positive user reviews.

Investing in a red light therapy device can be a step towards achieving clearer, healthier skin. However, as with any skincare treatment, results can vary based on individual skin types and conditions. It's important to maintain realistic expectations, be consistent with treatment, and consider professional advice if necessary.

We encourage you to share your experiences or ask questions about red light therapy in the comments below. Your insights could help others on their journey to better skin health!

Are you ready to take the next step towards healthier skin with red light therapy?