IPL Face Treatment Cost

Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) treatment has emerged as a popular solution for individuals seeking multiple cosmetic treatments, to rejuvenate their facial skin and address various aging skin concerns. IPL face treatment is renowned for its effectiveness in targeting issues with dark skin tone such as sun damage, rosacea, and age spots. However, one crucial aspect that potential clients often ponder is the cost associated with this cosmetic procedure.

In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the various factors that influence the cost of IPL face treatment. Our aim is to provide you with a thorough understanding of what to expect financially, so you can make an informed decision about whether this treatment aligns with your skin rejuvenation goals and budget.

Let's start by exploring what IPL face treatment entails and the skin issues it addresses.

What is IPL Face Treatment?

What is IPL Face Treatment

Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) face treatment is a non-invasive cosmetic procedure that utilizes various intense pulsed light treatments, light pulses, pulsed light therapy and other light energy, to target and improve various skin conditions. Unlike laser treatments that use a single wavelength of light energy, IPL employs a broad spectrum of intense pulsed light treatment, energy and wavelengths to address multiple skin issues simultaneously. This versatility makes IPL an attractive option for those looking to enhance their complexion and achieve a more youthful appearance.

Common Skin Issues Addressed by IPL:

an image of a woman with Rosacea
  • Sun Damage: IPL is effective in reducing the appearance of sunspots and sun-induced freckles, restoring a more even skin tone.

  • Rosacea: The treatment can help alleviate the redness and flushing associated with rosacea.

  • Age Spots: Also known as liver spots, these can be significantly lightened or removed with IPL.

  • Acne Scars: IPL can reduce the visibility of acne scars, promoting a smoother skin texture.

  • Fine Lines and Wrinkles: While not a primary treatment for wrinkles, IPL can improve skin texture and reduce the appearance of fine lines.

How Does IPL Work?

an image of a woman undergoing IPL treatment

IPL treatments involve the use of a handheld device that emits pulses of broad-spectrum light. This light penetrates the skin and is absorbed by either the pigment in light brown or darker skin tones, the damaged skin cells (melanin) or the blood vessels, depending on the target. The heat generated by the absorbed light destroys the target cells, leaving the pigment cells in light brown skin and the surrounding skin unharmed. Over time, the treated area heals, revealing clearer, more rejuvenated skin.

Treatment Sessions:

an image of a woman undergoing IPL treatment

The number of IPL sessions needed varies based on the patient's skin type and the intended laser treatment result. Typically, clients undergo a series of 3 to 6 treatments, spaced about 4 weeks apart. Each session lasts approximately 20 to 30 minutes.

Factors Influencing IPL Face Treatment Cost

an image of a woman undergoing IPL treatment

The cost of IPL face treatment can vary significantly depending on several factors. Understanding these factors can help you better estimate the total expense of your treatment plan.

Geographical Location:

The cost of living and the demand for cosmetic procedures in your area can impact the price of IPL treatments. For example, clinics in metropolitan cities or affluent neighborhoods may charge more than those in smaller towns.

Clinic Reputation:

Reputable clinics with experienced dermatologists or licensed practitioners may have higher rates due to their expertise and the quality of service provided.

Number of Sessions Required:

The total cost is directly related to the number of sessions needed to achieve the desired results. More sessions will naturally lead to a higher overall expense.

Area of Treatment:

The size of the treatment area plays a crucial role in determining the cost. Treating larger areas unwanted facial hair, such as the entire face, will be more expensive than targeting smaller regions unwanted hair, like the cheeks or forehead.

Machine Quality and Technology:

Clinics using the latest IPL technology and well-maintained machines may charge more, but these devices often offer better results and a more comfortable experience.

Average Cost of IPL Face Treatment

an image of a woman undergoing IPL treatment

The ipl cost of IPL face treatment can vary widely based on the factors previously discussed ipl cost above. However, to give you a general idea ipl cost, we can look at some average price ranges.

Typical Price Range:

  • In the United States, the average cost for a single IPL session can range from $300 to $600. This price can fluctuate depending on the clinic's location, the practitioner's expertise, and the treatment area's size.

What's Included in the Price:

The quoted price usually includes the consultation, the IPL treatment session, and any follow-up visits or post-treatment care instructions. It's essential to clarify what's covered in the initial cost to avoid unexpected expenses.

Example Cost Breakdown:

  • Consultation Fee: Some clinics charge a separate fee for the initial consultation, which can range from $50 to $100.

  • Single Session Cost: For a full-face treatment, the average cost per session might be around $400.

  • Total Cost for a Series of Treatments: If you require four sessions to achieve your desired results, the total cost would be approximately $1,600.

It's important to note that these are average estimates, and prices can vary significantly from one clinic to another. In the following sections, we'll discuss additional costs to consider and ways to save money on your IPL face treatment.

Additional Costs to Consider

an image of a woman talking to a dermatologist

When budgeting for IPL face treatment, it's important to factor in some additional costs that may arise before, during, or after the procedure.

Pre-Treatment Care Products:

To be ready for IPL therapy, your doctor could suggest certain skincare items. These could include sunscreens, moisturizers, or serums, which can add to the overall cost.

Post-Treatment Skincare:

After the treatment, you might need to invest in soothing and healing skincare products to enhance the recovery process and maintain the results.

Possible Follow-Up Sessions:

While the initial treatment plan may include a set number of sessions, additional sessions and multiple treatments might be necessary to achieve optimal results, leading to increased costs.

Maintenance Treatments:

To maintain the effects of IPL treatment, periodic maintenance sessions may be required, typically once a year or as advised by your practitioner.

By considering these additional expenses, you can create a more accurate budget for your IPL face treatment journey.

Insurance and IPL Face Treatment

When considering IPL face treatment, it's important to understand how insurance plays a role in covering the costs.

Is IPL Covered by Insurance?

In most cases, IPL treatments are considered cosmetic procedures and are not covered by insurance. Insurance typically covers treatments deemed medically necessary, and IPL is usually pursued for aesthetic purposes.


There may be exceptions if IPL is used to treat certain medical conditions like severe rosacea or some types of skin damage that affect your health. In such cases, partial coverage might be possible.

Checking with Your Insurance Provider:

To find out more about the details of your particular policy, it's a good idea to get in touch with your insurance company directly. They can provide details on what is and isn't covered and any documentation required for claims.

Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) and Flexible Spending Accounts (FSAs):

If you have an HSA or FSA, you may be able to use these funds to pay for IPL treatments. Check with your account administrator to confirm the eligibility of cosmetic procedures.

Understanding your insurance coverage and available payment options can help you plan financially for your IPL face treatment.

In the next section, we'll compare the cost of IPL treatment with other facial rejuvenation procedures to help you make an informed decision.

Comparing IPL Face Treatment Cost with Other Facial Treatments

When considering IPL face treatment, it's helpful to compare its cost with other popular facial rejuvenation procedures. This comparison can help you understand the value of IPL and determine the best treatment option for your needs and budget.

Cost Comparison:

Laser Treatments: Laser skin resurfacing can range from $1,000 to $2,500 per session, making it more expensive than IPL in most cases. However, lasers may provide more targeted and intensive results for certain skin issues.

Chemical Peels: The cost of chemical peels can vary widely, from $150 for a light peel to over $3,000 for a deep peel. IPL falls somewhere in the middle, offering a balance between effectiveness and affordability.

Microdermabrasion: Generally cheaper than IPL, microdermabrasion sessions can cost between $75 and $200. While less expensive, microdermabrasion is also less intensive and may require more sessions to achieve similar results.

Pros and Cons:

IPL vs. Laser Treatments: IPL is often more affordable and has less downtime, but laser treatments can provide more dramatic results for certain conditions.

IPL vs. Chemical Peels: Chemical peels can be more aggressive and have a longer recovery period, while IPL offers a gentler, non-invasive alternative with quicker recovery.

IPL vs. Microdermabrasion: Microdermabrasion is a milder treatment, making it suitable for minor skin issues. IPL can address deeper skin concerns, such as hyperpigmentation and vascular lesions.

By comparing the costs and benefits of these cosmetic treatments, you can make an informed decision about which procedure is right for your skin goals and financial situation.

How to Save Money on IPL Face Treatment

While IPL face treatment can be a worthwhile investment in your skin's health and appearance, there are ways to make it more affordable. Here are some tips for saving money on your IPL treatments:

Seasonal Promotions and Package Deals:

  • Many clinics offer discounts during specific times of the year or have special promotions for new clients. Keep an eye out for these deals.

  • Consider purchasing a package of multiple sessions upfront, as clinics often provide a reduced rate compared to paying for each session individually.

Financing Options and Payment Plans:

  • To help spread the cost of the treatment across several months, several clinics provide financing alternatives or payment plans. This can make the expense more manageable.

Loyalty Programs:

  • If you're a regular client at a clinic, inquire about loyalty programs that offer discounts or rewards for repeat customers.

Research and Compare Prices:

  • Don't hesitate to shop around and compare prices from different clinics in your area. Just ensure that you're not compromising on the quality of care and expertise.

Ask About Referral Discounts:

  • Some clinics offer discounts if you refer a friend or family member. This can be a win-win situation for both you and the clinic.

Red Light Therapy as a Complementary Treatment

an image of a woman using KOZE™ Mini

Red light therapy (RLT) is a non-invasive laser treatment, laser therapy that uses low-level red light wavelengths to penetrate the skin and stimulate cellular repair and rejuvenation. While IPL focuses on addressing specific skin concerns, red light therapy offers a broader range of benefits and can be an excellent complement to IPL treatments.

Benefits of Red Light Therapy for Skin:

an image of skin and collagen

Cost Comparison with IPL:

  • Affordability: Red light therapy devices are generally more affordable than IPL machines, making RLT a cost-effective option for ongoing skin maintenance.

  • At-Home Devices: There are many at-home red light therapy devices available on the market, which can save you money on clinic visits in the long run.

Combining IPL and Red Light Therapy:

  • By incorporating red light therapy into your skincare routine, you can enhance the results of your IPL treatments and maintain healthier, more radiant skin.

  • It's important to consult with a skincare professional to determine the best schedule for combining these treatments to avoid overstimulating the skin.

Questions to Ask Your Provider Before IPL Treatment

Before undergoing IPL face treatment, it's crucial to have a thorough consultation with your provider. Here are some important questions to ask to ensure you're well-informed and comfortable with the procedure:

About the Treatment:

  • What results can I realistically expect from IPL treatment?

  • How many sessions will I need to achieve my desired outcome?

  • What is the interval between sessions, and how long does each session last?

About the Costs:

  • What is the total cost of the treatment, including all sessions?

  • Are there any additional fees or costs I should be aware of?

  • Do you offer any payment plans or financing options?

About the Clinic and Practitioner:

  • Is the practitioner performing the IPL treatment licensed and experienced?

  • Can you provide before-and-after photos of previous clients who have undergone IPL treatment?

  • What type of IPL machine do you use, and how is it maintained?

Post-Treatment Care:

  • What should I expect during the recovery period?

  • Are there any specific post-treatment care instructions I should follow?

  • What are the possible side effects, and how can they be managed?

By asking these questions, you can gain a better understanding of the IPL treatment process, the costs involved, and what to expect in terms of results and aftercare.


Understanding the costs associated with IPL face treatment is essential for anyone considering this popular cosmetic procedure. By being aware of the factors that influence pricing, the average costs, and additional expenses, you can make an informed decision that aligns with your skin rejuvenation goals and budget.

Remember to consider red light therapy as a complementary treatment to enhance and maintain skin pigment and maintain the results of your IPL sessions. It's a cost-effective way to support overall skin health and appearance.

Finally, don't hesitate to ask your provider detailed questions about the treatment, costs, and expected outcomes. A reputable practitioner will be transparent and provide you with all the information you need to feel confident in your decision.

IPL face treatment offers a range of benefits for those looking to improve their skin's appearance. With careful planning and consideration for light skin and dark skin, too, you can enjoy the rejuvenating effects of this treatment without breaking the bank.


Is IPL face treatment painful?

IPL treatment is generally well-tolerated. Some people describe the sensation as a light snap against the sensitive skin part. Your provider may use a cooling gel or device to minimize discomfort.

How long does each IPL session take?

Each session typically lasts 20 to 30 minutes, depending on the size of the treatment area.

What is the downtime after IPL face treatment?

There is minimal downtime with IPL. You may experience some redness or swelling around treated area, which usually subsides within a few hours to a day.

How many intense pulsed light therapy (IPL) sessions are needed for visible results?

Most people require 3 to repeat treatments of 6 sessions light treatment, spaced about 4 weeks apart, to achieve optimal results.

Can IPL face treatment be done on all skin types?

IPL is most effective on lighter and darker skin and dark hair tones, however. It's important to consult with a skilled practitioner to determine if IPL is suitable for your own skin, unwanted hair tone, type of laser hair removal, skin conditions and concerns.